Lest we forget – Anzac Day


                                                                  – Anzac Day –

On 4 August, 1914 Britain, on behalf of the Empire, declared war on Germany. Australia had been a federal commonwealth for only 13 years, and the new national government was eager to establish its reputation among the nations of the world.

This was not Australia’s first incursion into warfare. They had participated in the Crimean, Sedan, Boer and China (Boxer Rebellion) conflicts. Almost 1000 Australians died during the Boer War, about half from disease, and five Australians received the VC in South Africa with many others receiving other decorations.

But it was at Gallipoli where the fortitude and bravery of the Anzacs came to the fore. The Australian and New Zealand forces landed on Gallipoli on 25 April, meeting fierce resistance from the Ottoman Turkish defenders. What had been planned as a bold stroke to knock Turkey out of the war quickly became a stalemate, and the campaign dragged on for eight months. At the end of 1915 the allied forces were evacuated after both sides had suffered heavy casualties and endured great hardships. The Anzacs lost 8,000 men with a further 18,000 wounded. The Anzacs went on to serve with distinction in Palestine and on the western front in France. Australia had a population of five million – 330,000 served in the war, 59,000 were killed 152,000 were wounded, and over 4000 were taken prisoner. These men, along with their New Zealand comrades, became the legendary ‘ANZACS’.

The Anzac tradition continued in World War 2 with over 39,000 Australian servicemen killed, 65,500 wounded and 30,000 taken prisoner. A recent British television documentary told the story of the ‘Rats of Tobruk’. Once again what was thought to be a short deployment turned out to be a major battle lasting some five months. The narrator concluded the story stating that, ‘if the Australians had failed to out-manoeuvre and hold Rommel’s troops, Britain would have lost the war.’ For his service with the ‘Rats of Tobruk’ during and after war a Salvation Army Officer (Minister), Brigadier Sir Arthur McIveen received the OF, MBE and KB. Australians were also involved in Europe, naval battles, the Battle of Britain and Bomber Command including the dam buster raids.

In Rabaul the 2/22nd battalion of about 1400 stood alone against the overwhelming force of the Japanese. The raid by Japanese carrier-based aircraft on 20 January was the beginning of the end for Lark Force. In an engagement with 80 bombers and 40 fighters lasting less than ten minutes, three of RAAF 24 Squadron’s eight remaining Wirraways were shot down, one crashed on take-off and two were damaged in crash-landings.

Norm Furness was a corporal in the 2/22 Infantry Battalion sent to Rabaul. ‘On the 23rd of January, the Japanese fleet arrived,’ he said. ‘I counted 25 ships in the harbour that morning and there was something in the vicinity of 15,000 Jap troops there, a ratio of about 10 to every one of ours. We did the best we could for a short period of time, but wherever they struck any resistance, they just moved along a mile and there was nobody there and they came ashore. Before we knew where we were, we were being encircled and we got the order to get out. But no provisions whatsoever had been made for a retreat into the jungle. The commander of the force up there, J J Scanlan, issued the order about 11 o’clock on the 23rd of January ’42, that it was every man for himself. So we broke up into small groups and headed back into the jungle. We didn’t know where we were going, we didn’t know what we were going to do when we got there, and it just went on.’

The outnumbered Australian force was swiftly defeated and most of the survivors surrendered in the weeks after the battle. Few members of Lark Force survived the war. Of the approximately 1,050 Australians taken prisoner, at least 130 personnel were massacred on or about 4 February 1942. Six men survived these killings and later described what happened. At the nearby Waitavalo Plantation, 35 Australian prisoners were shot and 1,057 Australian soldiers and civilian prisoners from Rabaul were killed when the ship Montevideo Maru thought to be transporting them to Japan was sunk by a US submarine Sturgeon on 1 July 1942.

The story of the 2/22 AIF is of particular interest to me. In my teens I attended my first band practice at the Brunswick Salvation Army. Bandmaster Alpha Yealland took me up to the band room where I was met by walls full of photos. At the centre of one wall is a magnificent wooden plaque surrounded by six photos.


These are the seven men (including Bandmaster Arthur Gullidge and Songster Leader Harry Harvey) from the Brunswick Corps who were members of the 2/22nd  battalion band comprised mainly of Salvationist. The sole survivor of the band was Fred Kollmorgen. Six other bandsmen were members of the Territorial Staff Band (now the Melbourne Staff Band).  


              Australian Stamp issued to commenorate the centenary of Arthur Gullidge’s birth)

Extract from One Bloke’s Story by Rob Mitchell

‘Arthur, the son of a Broken Hill miner, became a Christian as a young boy and grew up with Jesus as his hero. He was an accomplished conductor and composer of band music who had his first work published at the age of 17. He had won two ABC (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) national music competitions, two international Salvation Army competitions for composers of music for brass and was the publisher of The Regal Brass Band Journal, writing under two names, his own and the name Greendale. He was for a while bandmaster at Collingwood, one of Melbourne’s largest Salvationist bands before transferring to the Brunswick Corps. His music has a certain ’lift and drive’ to it. Arthur felt that he should play a part in Australia’s defence but decided that a non-combatant role, for a Christian, would be more appropriate. Arthur Gullidge and 25 other Salvationists from a number of citadels, ranging from Sydney to Hobart, marched en masse into the Royal Park Military Depot in Melbourne and enlisted as a group.

At age 32, Arthur Gullidge, the band leader, was commissioned by the Army to write a collection of band music for use on ceremonial occasions, comprising mainly short, classical pieces, hymn tunes, national songs and a set of standard bugle calls that would remain in constant use by the military, right on into the present. Mavis, Arthur’s wife, used to buy the latest sheet music of the time in Melbourne and send it to him, where he would rearrange it as a band march. The 2/22nd were marching to “We’re off to see the wizard, the wonderful Wizard of Oz”, not long after the movie opened in Melbourne.

The Salvation Army band, or should I say the Battalion band, continued to add colour to army life at Bonegilla. Occasionally the band would march around the camp in the early morning playing bright and happy tunes. The band, being Salvationists, naturally took part in the life of the local Salvation Army Corps. Some opposition arose from the military hierarchy regarding their playing at the Salvation Army open air meetings. Eventually the order came through that no Army personnel were to stand at street meetings. After that they marched around in big circles during the street meetings until they were finished.’

During the band’s farewell concert in Melbourne, Commissioner Dalziel presented the band with a Salvation Army flag, charging them ‘to carry the flag with them wherever the vicissitudes of war demanded their activities, to cling closely to the principles for which the Flag stood, and to remain faithful to God and the organisation.’ 1

During my nine years at Brunswick I was privileged to participate in the band’s annual pilgrimage to with the survivor’s of the 2/22battalion to Melbourne’s Shrine of Remembrance.


                                                            Melbourne’s Shrine of Remembrance

On one such occasion Colonel Appel, a survivor of Rabaul, devoted his entire address to the courage, fortitude and commitment of the Salvationists of the 2/22. He spoke about how they went beyond the call of duty undertaking tasks with an inner strength that could only come from on high. The way they cared for their dead, dying and wounded comrades was exemplary. This band of men are held in such high esteem that the Brunswick Band were allowed to play inside the shrine. The Australian Military School of Music still awards the ‘Arthur Gullidge Memorial Award to its outstanding pupil of the year.

The men of the 2/22nd band who survived the Japanese invasion and became prisoners of war were among 1,053 Australian prisoners of war and civilians on board the Japanese ship Montevideo Maru. Sadly their families did not learn of their loved one’s fate until after the conclusion of the war in 1945.

In 1967 a joint festival featuring Brunswick Citadel Band and the Melbourne Staff Band was held at Brunswick commemorating the 25th anniversary of the loss of the 2/22nd band. As Deputy Bandmaster at Brunswick I was afforded the privilege of conducting the band in the march ‘The Fount’, requested by Mrs Mavis Gullidge to be included in the programme.



April 25 is Anzac Day when Australians pay tribute to all who have suffered and still suffer a result of war. Whilst it is right we remember those who made the supreme sacrifice, let us not forget those who fought and survived, and the families of those who serve and have served and all whose lives have been devastated by the futility of war.

1           Source: ‘Braveand True by Lindsey Cox

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and so this is Christmas ….

I love Christmas. It makes the world seem like a better place. Brightly lit Christmas trees and decorations fill our towns and cities delighting children and adults alike. People rush about looking for that special present for a loved one. And of course an occasional glimpse of Santa. Carols played and sung. It is the season of goodwill, peace on earth, a time of giving, a time our spirits are uplifted.

Of the many memories of Christmas past the fifteen years I was privileged to participate in Melbourne’s Carols by Candlelight alongside my colleagues in the Melbourne Staff Band will be experiences I will never forget. Christmas week included an initial rehearsal with the choir, and a dress rehearsal the evening prior to Christmas Eve. Christmas Eve the event is broadcast live throughout South East Asia, South Pacific Islands and New Zealand with live telecast Australia wide. Add to that the corps carolling engagements and work commitments it was a very full week.


                                  Melbourne’s Carols by Candlelight               


                        Melbourne Staff Band at Carols by Candlelight c1982

To be on the stage as dusk fell and see tens of thousands of candles lit and waving as Australia’s top performers from a wide spectrum of musical genre sang or the crowd joined in singing carols is an awesome experience.


                                                     Brian Naylor c1970

One of the presenters of Carols during my involvement was Channel Nine’s esteemed newsreader Brian Naylor. Sadly Brian and his wife Moiree perished in the bushfires that ravaged Victoria in 2009 claiming 173 lives.

 On Christmas Day1974, the excitement of the night before quickly dissipated as the radio alarm woke me to the news that Darwin had been destroyed by Cyclone Tracy. Switching on the TV the news reports showed a city completely destroyed. For the citizens of Darwin and the relief workers, Christmas 1974 would not be a happy one.

Yes Christmas is a special time of year. It is right that we celebrate the birth of our Saviour. It is right we enjoy the festive season with family and friends, but let us take a moment to remember those for whom Christmas this year will be difficult. Those who have lost love ones, lost their livelihood, those separated from family and friends by distance, the sick. Let us, in the spirit of Christmas, do what we can to make their Christmas just a little bit happier.

Who would have thought that what was needed

To transform and save the earth

Might not be a plan or army,

Proud in purpose, proved in worth?

Who would think, despite derision,

That a child would lead the way?

God surprises earth with heaven,

Coming here on Christmas day.


Shepherds watch and wise men wonder,

Monarchs scorn and angels sing;

Such a place as none would reckon

Hosts a holy helpless thing;

Stable beasts and by-passed strangers

Watch a baby laid in hay:

God surprises earth with heaven,

Coming here on Christmas day.


Centuries of skill and science

Span the past from which we move,

Yet experience questions whether,

With such progress, we improve.

While the human lot we ponder,

Lest our hopes and humour fray,

God surprises earth with heaven,

Coming here on Christmas day.


Without CHRIST there is no CHRISTmas

To my family and friends in Australia, New Zealand, USA, Canada, Italy, India and here in the UK I wish you all have a very happy Christmas and may 2012 be all you would wish for you and those you love.

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‘Lest we forget’

I often take time out to watch the world go by. People fascinate me. I wonder who they are, where they have been, what they have done. Are they happy, content, or perhaps lonely, hurting, anxious?

 For me life has been a mixed bag. I think most people would feel the same about their life. I know that for some people life has, to say the least, been a difficult journey. It is all too common to see homeless people on our streets or those who are dependent on alcohol or other substances. It is all so easy to look down on these people, to see them just as ‘down and outs.’ I look at these people, my fellow human beings, and wonder who they are, where have they been, what have they done.

In the early 1970’s I met a very special lady I will call Isa. By profession she was a GP. Nothing remarkable in that, I hear you say. What made this lady special is that she was brave enough to tell her story.

As Hungarian Jews she, along with her family, were rounded up by the Nazis and transported to a concentration camp.


          Hungarian Jews arriving at a Nazi Concentration camp

Her parents were highly respected doctors, her father working on the embryonic development of micro surgery. The Nazis ordered Isa’s father to undertake the surgical procedures inflicted on selected women of child-bearing age. When he refused the whole family were marched to a pit in the grounds of the camp. Isa’s parents were stripped naked, then shot dead. Isa’s last memory of her parents was to see them fall into the pit. She was about 13 years of age.


During the next few years Isa was put on the death train three times, and for reasons unknown, was taken off each time. She survived the war but when the camp was liberated by the Russians, she had to take a Russian soldier as her lover to save herself from being raped and abused.


This was found in the personal album of an Einsatzgruppen soldier. It was labelled on theback “The last Jew of Vinnitsa”. All 28,000 of the Jews living there were killed at the time.

Returning to her native Budapest she qualified as a doctor. Having witnessed the failings of the Catholic Church to oppose the Nazi regime, Isa and her husband (also a doctor) joined the communist party. It soon became apparent the communist party was not for them. They could not agree to the censorship imposed on them. Denouncing Western music and art was alien to them and so they resigned from the communist party.

 The Hungarian Revolution of 1956 meant that all Hungarian borders were closed and even mail in and out of the country was not allowed. Despite this Isa’s husband’s application for a post in a British hospital was successful and they escaped from Hungary travelling down the Danube in a bathtub under the cover of darkness.

 Following her divorce, Isa move to Australia where she practised as a GP. Life seemed to have changed for the better. Sadly many people who suffer extremely traumatic events cannot erase those memories. One night Isa reached breaking point. Alone in her home she sat with a bottle of alcohol and a deadly dose of pills. As a recording of Beethoven’s music played she was about to take the lethal dose she had prepared. Then a miracle happened! Listening to the music she felt the urge to pray. Falling to her knees she prayed as she had never prayed before. She came to know the presence of God and His peace in her life. Isa spent many more years as a GP.

 A friend in Melbourne would suddenly ‘disappear’ for several weeks. No response to the doorbell. Telephone calls went unanswered. Several years later sharing a meal, we heard her story. She too spent some years in a Nazi concentration camp. The weeks she ‘disappeared’ were her dark days when she experienced flashbacks of her days in the camp.

 In Singapore I witnessed a group of men suddenly weeping on a bus. We were passing the infamous Changi prison. The group of men were prisoners there. They too experienced a life of cruelty and deprivation that we cannot possibly even imagine.


                                              Survivors of Changi Prison

 Both my grandfather and father saw service during wartime. My grandfather was in France during WW1 and my father in the RAF during WW2. Neither would tell their stories. Whenever I asked their response, with tears flowing down their cheek was ‘it was terrible … terrible.’

 Although my and subsequent generation have seen films and news reports showing the horrors of war, most of us have been spared reality of experiencing war. I remember the horrors pictures of the Vietnam War,  particularly the picture of 9 years old Phan Thi Kim Phuc fleeing naked from napalm bombing that burned the clothes from her body.


 June 8, 1972 – Phan Thi Kim Phuc fleeing from napalm bombing.  The boy is her older brother. Both survived.

Wars continue. The Falklands, Iraq, Afghanistan.



 Men and women still pay the supreme sacrifice

 But in war there other casualties. Those brave service personnel who have served and survived. There are those suffering physical and mental injuries. There are mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, sons and daughters whose lives are devastated by the loss of loved ones.

 This weekend we pause to pay tribute to all casualties of war, particularly those who made the supreme sacrifice. Let us also remember all those whose lives will never be the same as a result of war.

‘Lest we forget’

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Autumn is here! Last week we enjoyed balmy 27c days. This week it is cool and rather wet.

I walked through the park a few days ago. What a difference a couple of weeks make. The flower beds that displayed blood red and brilliant white begonias, royal blue lobelia and vibrant yellow marigolds are now bare except for a few hardy evergreen shrubs. The number of mothers (and a few fathers) pushing their young offspring have dwindled to a few. Children running around, shouting to each other and squealing as they enjoyed themselves in the play area are gone. The tennis courts and bowling green are now vacant.  It is almost eerily quiet except for the passing traffic and the occasional train.

Life is like the passing seasons. Spring dawns full of hope, summer is bright and cheerful, autumn reflective and winter often full of gloom.

 This time last year I was waiting to be admitted to hospital for major surgery. The specialist nurses and the surgeon expressed their confidence in the successful outcome expected. However from previous experience of surgery I know that even for the most minor operation there is a 1 in 32,000 chance a patient will not survive the operation. Pretty good odds I would say, yet the CEO of a company I worked for lost two wives from post operative shock following the same minor day surgery operation.

 As I prepared for the operation I was in reflective mood.  I thought of my experiences over the years. The achievements, disappointments, the wonderful people I have known, places I have visited. Most of all I thought of the amazing people who are my loved ones. These are my family and friends, many of them thousands of miles away. How I wished I could see them all. Speak to them face to face, hug them. I knew they were thinking of me and praying for me. These are not ‘fair weather’ friends. You know the kind. Always around when thing are going well. Happy to participate in situations they enjoy but are nowhere to be seen when you really need them. They are life’s begonias, lobelias and marigolds, full of the joys of life. Those who truly love us are the hardy evergreens. They will stand by you, be there for you, support you. They will share your pain, your loneliness, your sadness as well as the joyful happy times.

 It is without a doubt enjoyable to be a begonia, a lobelia or a marigold, the life of the party so to speak. But that is not for me. I would like to think of myself not a fair weather friend but rather like a hardy evergreen. Not showy but always there for them no matter what life throws their way.

 The next time I visit the park and see the hardy evergreens they will remind me of the amazing people I call my family and friends. They are always there for me as I am for them.

 Lord, make me an instrument of your peace.

Where there is hatred, let me sow love.

Where there is injury, pardon.

Where there is doubt, faith.

Where there is despair, hope.

Where there is darkness, light.

Where there is sadness, joy.

O Divine Master,

grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled, as to console;

to be understood, as to understand;

to be loved, as to love.

For it is in giving that we receive.

It is in pardoning that we are pardoned,

and it is in dying that we are born to Eternal Life.

                                                                                                       Saint Francis of Assisi

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Legends in their time

Alf Wileman recently retired from the Sheffield Citadel Band after 60+ years of service. Alf is a legend among Salvation Army bandsmen in the UK, not only for his euphonium playing but for the Christian standards he lives by, the many hundreds of young people he taught, the encouragement and support he gives and his unstinting devotion in fulfilling his calling to service through Salvation Army banding.

 My first memory of Alf was to hear him playing when June and I returned to the UK for a holiday in 1981. As a member of the Melbourne Staff Band I had the opportunity of sitting alongside some great euphonium players. And Alf was right up there with the best. I also remember the enthusiasm and enjoyment he portrayed conducting his beloved YP Band.

 On a subsequent visit one of the UK’s foremost band conductors George Thompson was guest conductor for a rehearsal. On seeing the score for Laudate Dominum he asked Bandmaster Ian Wileman if he might use that particular piece. After Alf had played the euphonium solo George stopped the band and spoke at some length of Alf’s Christian witness to the men of Fodens Band during the time Alf played with them. He then asked Alf to play the solo again so he could enjoy Alf’s wonderful sound.

 During my time as deputy bandmaster and bandmaster at Sheffield Citadel I knew I could always rely on Alf’s support and encouragement. Always there, always giving of his best, the perfect bandsman.

 It has been a privilege and pleasure to be Alf’s partner on the euphonium bench for the past decade. I well remember his first words to me when I sat next to him. ‘Welcome on board. We will be a great team’. Being Alf’s partner will always be among the most treasured memories of my banding career.

 During the programme celebrating Alf’s service I thought of other great euphonium players who had an influence and impact on my life and my service as a bandsman.

 Retired Staff Bandmaster Colin Woods, a top class euphonium player, was a great supporter and encourager during my time as deputy bandmaster and bandmaster at both Brunswick and Doncaster (where he was a member of the corps band). I greatly appreciate the lessons he gave me when he moved me to the eupho bench.

 During my early days in the MSB, Deputy Staff Bandmaster Ernie Harewood was principal euphonium and another great encourager.

 On joining the MSB David Harvey replaced me on euphonium. We were both deputy bandmasters at adjoining corps and formed the eupho bench in the Divisional Youth Band. A talented player and soloist we are great friends.

 Staff Bandmaster Ken Waterworth is another great euphonium player. Prior to becoming Staff Bandmaster, he was Deputy Bandmaster and euphonium soloist. Ken always showed great musicianship in his playing.

 Ian Jones played euphonium in the MSB for many years. Another fine player and one of the band’s characters.

 When I transferred to Brunswick Corps in my mid teams I played euphonium with Arthur Gould. Arthur was very gracious man, always giving words of support.

 Stuart Hamilton was principal euphonium at Preston when I transferred to that corps. A very talented musician and fine euphonium player. Always bright and cheerful it was a pleasure to join him on the eupho bench.

 I am grateful for the opportunity that has been mine to be associated with these great men. Their musicianship, prodigious talent and constant encouragement together with their Christian values still play a significant part in determining who and what I am.

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‘Love never fails, love still prevails’

To be loved is priceless  … but to love is a privilege.

Like most people I have my heroes – special people I am privileged to know and who made a positive contribution to my life. Few of them are well known public figures in any arena, but in 1968 one of them became famous throughout the world for all the best reasons.

A few years before at a large gathering in Melbourne I saw a very attractive young woman. Shortly afterwards a friend of mine introduced her as Heather Norman. John told me Heather is the sister of Peter Norman, the Australian 200 metre track champion. I met Peter that week when I accepted the invitation to have dinner with the family. A down to earth, friendly guy image 1with no airs and graces, no trophies on show, just an ordinary good bloke. The whole family was full of life, generous, supportive, kind hearted, always there for each other and their friends.

 In 1968 Peter was a member of the Australian team at the Mexico Olympic games. In winning his heat in the 200 metres Peter set a new olympic record for the distance, and in the final won silver, splitting the two americans, Tommy Smith setting a new world record to win gold and John Carlos bronze. 

News Reports

Earlier that year saw the assassination of Dr Martin Luther King, and large civil rights demonstrations throughout America. After the race, Carlos and Smith told Norman what they were planning to do during the ceremony. They asked Norman if he believed in human rights. He said he did. They asked him if he believed in God. Norman, who is from a Salvation Army background, said he believed strongly in God. “We knew that what we were going to do was far greater than any athletic feat. He said, ‘I’ll stand with you’.”

On the way out to the medal ceremony, Norman saw the badge being worn by Paul Hoffman, a white member of the US Rowing Team, and asked him if he could wear it. It was also Norman who suggested that Smith and Carlos share the black gloves used in their salute, after Carlos left his gloves in the Olympic Village.

This is the reason for Tommie Smith raising his right fist, while John Carlos raised his left. The Americans stood barefoot, raised their black-gloved fists and bowed their heads to symbolise the oppression to which black people were subjected in the United States. Carlos said he expected to see fear in Norman’s eyes, ‘but I didn’t. I saw love’. Norman was supportive of their stance. He was wearing a human rights badge on his tracksuit and publicly endorsed their campaign. He said last year of the incident: “It was like a pebble in the middle of the pond and the ripples are still travelling.”

Smith and Carlos were expelled from the 1968 Olympics and vilified in the US. Their marriages broke up, and they found it impossible to get anything but menial jobs. Norman said later: “Those two guys sacrificed their lives for a cause they believed in.”

That race marked the pinnacle of Norman’s career, not only because of his support for the civil rights movement but also in athletic terms. Norman’s time of 20.06 seconds is still the record for the distance by anyone from Oceania.

In an interview in 2000, Norman said: “To wear a badge as a white individual, it made the statement even more powerful. To be involved in a very small way in history like that, it lives with you forever. It’s a bond.”

In 2004, a 23ft statue honouring Smith and Carlos was erected in San Jose State University where the two Americans had been students. This huge replica shows each of them with their fists in the air, just as they stood four decades ago in Mexico. In 2005 he was reunited with Smith and Carlos, when he attended the unveiling of a statue commemorating the demonstration. Smith and Carlos were deeply upset that Norman had been omitted from the statue, the silver medallist spot was vacant. Norman’s response was ‘I was there to support you on the day  … there’s a spot for others to do so now.’

Peter Norman was born on June 15, 1942. He died of a heart attack on October 3, 2006, aged 64. The US field and track federation named October 9th 2006 (the day of his funeral) ‘Peter Norman Day’. Two of the men who carried Norman’s coffin to his final resting place were Tommy Smith and John Carlos. In his eulogy, Smith said that Norman was “ a man of solid beliefs, a humanitarian.” John Carlos simply said, “Peter Norman was my brother”.

I am grateful for the privilege of knowing Peter and his family. They demonstrated what a wonderful loving, caring and supportive family life is all about. When I learned of Peter’s death I emailed his mother in Melbourne and Heather in the Falklands. They too were special moments. We recalled happy memories. Heather told she still wears the pearl necklace I bought her over 45 years ago andmy email ‘brought Peter back to her amid all the media hype.’

 The Norman family enriched my life and to have been in contact with them again their difficult time a privilege.


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Hi folks

My first venture into computers goes way back to the first apple macintosh. In those days I had dark brown hair (lots more of it) and was much slimmer than I am these days.

Technology has developed at lightening speed and some of us are now way behind the eight ball. However here I am, blogging at last. It is a way of communicating and who knows, someone might just find some interest in whatever I put on my blog!

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